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Ob es die Lieblingsserie ist, der Kaffeeklatsch mit den Freundinnen oder eine Vespa-Fahrt durch die Weinberge: In dieser Serie stellen wir Euch 10 Dinge vor, die uns glücklich machen. Ich freue mich ganz besonders, Euch heute die Love-List von Jessica Fellowes zu präsentieren. Jessica ist die Nichte von Downton-Abbey-Drehbuchautor Julian Fellowes, schrieb die Begleitbücher zur Serie und veröffentlichte vor kurzem Die Schwestern von Mitford Manor – Unter Verdacht, den ersten Teil einer sechsbändigen Serie rund um die Mitford Sisters, den ich Euch bald vorstelle.
Die Love-List von Jessica Fellowes:
1. A Handful of Dust by Evelyn Waugh: I’m not a great re-reader of books – there are too many new ones I want to read! – but when I want to be reminded of truly great writing, I always return to this. It perfectly describes the complex emotional lives of adults in that intense period between the two wars, which has informed so much of my work since I first read it when I was twenty-one.
2. Pure wool socks from Ireland: I have to buy far too many of these wool socks as, despite my careful watch, they always seem to end up in the washing machine where they shrink. Their softness and warmth matters but really it’s the fact they remind me of my favourite place in the world, where I have spent every summer of my life.
3. Mac Ruby Woo lipstick: As any woman knows, a slick of red lipstick makes you instantly ready, even if moments before you were elbow-deep in washing-up suds. This one has the matte look of the earliest lipsticks and is to me the most glamorous of them all.
4. Peonies: The season for these always seems so short-lived but I’ll go all out and buy as many as I can when they arrive. Like the best of things, they are beautiful at all stages, whether closed tight at the beginning or full-blown at the end, their petals falling below as if making their own beds to lie down in.
5. Moleskin notebooks: At any excuse, I’ll buy a new notebook. The promise of the blank page is always enticing to a writer, though I probably use them the most for lists. I’m an incorrigible list-maker and have even been known to put something on the list that I’ve already done, for the sheer pleasure of ticking it off.
6. Real log fires: Whatever kind of day I’ve had, the crackle and spit of a real log fire makes me feel instantly relaxed and cosy. It doesn’t even have to be cold outside: I’m afraid I light one just about every night of the year.
7. Vanessa Heaney Goddess Necklace: Vanessa is a great friend of mine. For years she worked as an international radio presenter and brought back stones from places she reported in. As a jewellery designer, she incorporates these into her pieces and I wear her Goddess necklace every day because – why else? – it makes me feel like one.
8. Bath: I’ve always loved a long, hot bath, preferably with oils and bubbles, and a tap that can be turned with my toes so I can heat it up when it’s started to cool. I like to read but usually my young son will interrupt and it’s the best, laziest time for chatting, too.
9. Miu Miu sunglasses: Partly because they mean the sun is out, I love these glasses. Also, they are quirky and seem to be both modern and reference something of that 1920s style that I so adore.
10. OPI Big Apple Red nail varnish: As a writer, I spend most of my days alone at my desk. I’ve always loved dressing up but you feel a bit ridiculous doing it for a trip to the supermarket or gym. My solution is to keep the reddest of red polishes on my fingernails so I can feel as if a slick of glamour is never too far away.
Bild-Credit Feuer und Badewanne: Shutterstock.com
- Rezension: Jessica Fellowes – Die Welt von Downton Abbey
- Rezension: Julian Fellowes – Eine Klasse für sich
- Rezension: Nancy Mitford: Englische Liebschaften
- Rezension: Jessica Mitford: Hunnen & Rebellen
Das ist eine feine Love-List, sehr geerdet und ganz nach meinem Geschmack. Und wie schön, dass wir auch einmal eine Love-List aus England bekommen. Vielleicht der Auftakt für internationale Love-Lists?
Herzlichen Gruß
Liebe Sybille,
das ist eine gute Idee! Als nächstes dann am liebsten Julian Fellowes! :-)
Herzlichst, Dani